A kind of drip by drip understanding
— Roland Barths

            Nothingness and uncertainty receive negative connotations in much of today’s society. Assertive and bold images surround our screens, our news and urban environments, training our eyes towards an awareness that allows us to tune out unnecessary, seemingly message-less stimuli. My work aims to challenge this effort to avoid distraction, calling attention to quiet and unfixed moments.

            I do this through a restrained aesthetic that calls for the viewer to recalibrate their attention, like squinting to see in the dark. I work with and against familiarity, presenting associations that may or may not resonate sensibly. Associations are drawn, but leave no clear connection, motions of the natural are tangled with the devised, and forms exist within a realm of “almost, not quite”. I want the viewer to walk away slowed and teetering, attracted to what is lost by not allowing ourselves to be wandering and unproductive.